VISY【Susan】CIPS四级2019秋季 二维码
发表时间:2020-08-05 23:15 接下来我想谈谈自己的初衷和感想。 ● 作为一名职场人士,同时要上班和兼顾家庭...已经忙得不要不要,但由于居安思危心理,怕被社会淘汰,怕跟不上,所以还要兼顾时常的进修一下。曾在不同企业类型工作过的我,一直在国际贸易这个行业,经历过不同的公司(如港资名企,外资跨国公司,民营私企),结识了不同公司类型下不同的处事方式,不同国家友人(包括港澳台)的不同的工作方式,不同思维方式,然后适应并接受和学习是我的职业生涯重要收获(仅此而已,哈哈)。 ● 目前在职外资生产纸的制造商在华代表处负责贸易业务块的采购。由于公司发展,在高层的主张下,我作为代表去寻找采购相关的培训课程,最终于大家一致通过既然是要学习,最好同时有一个专业认证,为以后跳槽增添几分谈资。所以选择了CIPS,当时有两家机构在名单中,另一家被排除掉的是因为学习的方式种类太繁多,其实是变着花样高收费。选中的课程机构,时间安排合理,师资强大,实用性高,费用不高,性价比最高,公司开心地出资让大家参加了培训,这也是头一回。 ● 在学习的过程中,隔周周末两天都在上课,五门课程10周时间很紧密地结束了,考试是在五天内完成的,虽然很辛苦,但是最终通过得到证书还是值得,收获小小成就感带来的喜悦。由于工作三位同事结伴参加,课下还经常分享讨论,一点都不枯燥。 ● 除了可爱的同学,还有友好的老师,经验丰富,这个是课程最大的亮点,而且五门课程分别是五个不同背景不同行业的老师,都是深爱采购这一行的在职采购大咖,明副其实,如假包换,具有20年加的实践经验,一听就知道---专业!不同老师观点角度不同,有利于我们集思广益,开拓思维,案例分析精妙,巧妙规避风险,人际沟通对采购工作重要性,对职场进阶也会有豁然开朗的“功效”。 以下一些我总结的老师金句,简单明了地指出我个人的部分学习CIPS后的收获: 所谓学以致用,如果你采用中国式学习方法去苦读采购知识,套用公式,可以说是没有效果,没有真正提升的,采购供应链本来就是一门实践总结出来的学科,目前国内的采购相关专业在中国的大学里还不是很多,证明还是“学走路”的阶段。接下来中国将进入发展中向发达国家的上升之路,我们需要去劳动密集型生产到向国外采购的全球化时代,我们就需要借用英国人积累了几十年的采购专业知识CIPS来进行全球采购了。采购人的发展前景是明确的。
1. 采购是个技术活,看似简单,其实需要多方面的综合能力加上复杂专业成本数据分析和信息收集得出结果,再进行采购决策。 3. 不同人对同一个信息的接收和处理是不一样的。具有敏锐的观察和分析能力,是一个重要的能力。 4. 因为系统化的学习,很容易给学员带来很多工作方法,不能直接照搬,需要根据自己所在行业,所在公司类型,业务实际情况,再慢慢实践自己的专业知识去改进工作方法,提高绩效。 5. 另,我个人的分享,用销售的话说,人生无处不销售=人生无处不采购,本人也是做过N年销售的人,不过在外企没有销售岗,采购和销售其实是一样性质的工作,只是激励工作的报酬分配方式不同而已。不管黑猫白猫,抓到老鼠就是好猫。以终为始也是任何行业,任何工作岗位的核心目标和真理。
有没有一点启发,希望对读者有帮助罗。 Cips is aninternational procurement learning course by UK. ● Content of Level 4 inCips: 1. Contexts ofprocurement and supply 2. Business needsin of procurement and supply 3. Sourcing 4. Negotiating andcontracting 5. Managingcontracts and relationships ● In thefollowing paragraph, I'd like to share some of my original intention andexperience. ● As a workingprofessionals (man and woman), we have to work professionally and take care ofour family, this is not easy to combine well and not enough time to makeperfect in everything, but because of the mindset of keeping learning whileworking, be a life-long learner, staying in the market, keeping up-to-date, sowe do necessary to take some training course besides work. ● By working withpeople from different communication ways as from different background,different belief, different working style, I always like to learn how to workwith people from all over the world and how to "survive" in differentcultures, it provide me a great experience and become enjoyable in my work(this is the most part of my work so far, no big deal) ● We takeFace-to-face class in university or private room in every two weekends, from9:30 to 17:00, five subjects with totally 10 weeks duration.
Class taking undertimely schedule and you can't miss any one day otherwise it will be a lotbehind the others. Class completed and following 1 month later the exam comes,it has taken five continued afternoons (3 hours per day x 5days).
● Although we feltexhausted but finally got "PASS", it is still an breathtakingprocess. ● All costs areworth it. We felt "no pain, no gain", it is a tiny achievement unlessyou are willing to take the steps. Our colleague-classmates always talked aboutthe funny training courses in our office and it is not bored as you have thecompanionships. ● With"N" years working experience in this field, we learned and growed. we enhanceknow-how, to summarize what we already know and what we don't knowsystematically, we exchange ideas bycollective brainstorming in class with people from different industries. that is a goodgathering for so many procurement professionals and beloved teachers and luckilyyou are one of them. it is a precious short-term training experience. ● With strongpersistence and good attitude, nothing can't be achieved, right? if you bringyour commercial mindset on some life examples, you will possibly easily makesmart choices.
● Be smarterrather than be more "hard-working", Man! ● Not only thefunny classmates. But also kind teachers, they are experienced in procurementfrom different industries, this makes the most sparkling part of the study.
● The real case studyfrom our teacher makes the progression quickly, this is how we learn inprocurement=gain work experience. ● In order tohelp us to climb the career ladders, it is not a bad idea, too, right! Like an"Aha" moment to make progression, as sometimes you just need someoneto knock at your head a little bit. The conclusionthat I have from this training, I will practice morein real work scenarios in the future. Short list-Some tips: ● You can't only be hardworking to copypurchasing knowledge or use them as some kinds of formulars for your work, itwon't work for all occcasions. ● Since theprocurement is what you practically get from your work andbuild up as a skill set but notthe rules or what other people had passed onto you. ● Currently in China, there is not able to find many choices of well-equipped academic courses or subject to study inuniversities in China. Probablly we are still in thelearning process as not much practices and lack of real professional buyingexecution in term of enterprise type, business structure,people relationship & behavior and all other factors suchas no good social protection system with law or rules which those mayinfluence the decision making. That is why the so call procurement activities did not exist in majority of the oldstyle state-owned enterprises. ● However after joining WTO, we were running sofast in last 15 years, we lost the competency in labor intensive industries which producing thelow cost products. And to import commodities insteadas we had awide range of middle class people whois the biggest group comparing to any otherdeveloped countries'. Perhaps we will become wealthysociety and developed country in the next 10or 15 years... we need to adapt the knowledgefrom other developed countrieswhich used for over a decade in global sourcing. In the no longerfar away future, our career will become more and moreprofessional job. ●Firstly, procurement is a technical job, it is unlike any other job not that simple, actually you must command multiple skills and good at analyzing cost statistics,collection of market research and considermany reasons before making decisions. You have to bereliable and responsible on what you make and can foresee the results that will not be a bad one. This is you need to do a lot of preparation work forsome strategies. ● Secondly, you need to work well with others and get the full support from your boss, the people from internal cross-departments communication and suppliers.So not only as to lower the price and reach the reduction targets, this is not the most challenging part,you may need to have good understanding on how to contribute tothe company’s procurement strategy & sales development strategy bothfor long term and short. It strongly requires yourgood cooperation with others in the team. Without thesupportive clapping from others, you will not be recognized. ● Thirdly, different individuals will nothave the same get-in on the same data analysisinput, this is so true, so we must enhance ourinformation processing ability to find the essential usefultruth from massive quantity of informations. If you canfind what others can’t see, you become the expert. ● Last but not least,from my personal experience, use a slang fromsales people: sales areeverywhere in life. So purchasing won’t exist nowhere. But in a foreign company, you have tobuy and sell as a merchant. The reality is the most important and corevalue that you make the numbers. In Chinese we have a slang: no matter you are black or white cat,you are rewarded if you catch the rat. no doubt, haha! ● Likeany other jobs, you need a target andmeasurement to know where you are and how far away untilyou get to the end. Starting from the end...stick to the purposeand stick to the good results. Speak is easy unlessyou put it into practice, hope you find it some useful tips. ● Love and peace. ●